Pretty Porous


Simulation gallery

Simulation gallery

1: Root water uptake by young, growing root systems

This simulation shows the growing root systems of two young plants. The plants take up water from the soil in a plant pot. The soil eventually dries out.

Model: soil and root
Simulation: water transport and root growth

Roots are visualized by brown tube segments. Blue soil corresponds to high water content, brown soil means low water content.
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Simulation of root growth
Credits: University of Stuttgart / Timo Koch
Simulation of root growth
Credits: University of Stuttgart / Timo Koch

2: Flow through rock with fractures

This simulation shows the pressure-induced flow of oil through a cylindrical rock sample, in which elliptical fractures are contained. The pressure changes caused by the injection lead to the dilation of the fractures.

Model: porous rock and fractures
Simulation: flow and deformation

The rock is depicted in gray, and the blue region shows until which point the oil has been transported through the sample. The arrows show the velocities of oil within the sample and the deformation of the sample is strongly exaggerated in this visualization.
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Simulation: Oil flow through porous medium with fractures
Credits: University of Stuttgart / Dennis Gläser

3: Contrast agent perfusion in capillaries and embedding tissue

This simulation shows contrast agent transport in the smallest blood vessels (microcirculation). Blood is simplified as a fluid without particles. The cell content is accounted for by an increased flow resistance. The porous tissue surrounding the blood vessels is described by an average description. This means that individual pores between cells are not visible.

Model: brain tissue and capillaries
Simulation: blood flow and contrast agent transport

The capillary network is taken from a rat brain and represents all blood vessels contained in a 1mm by 1mm by 2mm tissue sample. The contrast agent is visualized as a black cloud. Contrast agent leakage is restricted to the middle of the domain. Leaked contrast agent has orange color.
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MRI and contrast agent transport in brain tissue
Credits: Timo Koch, University of Stuttgart
MRI and contrast agent transport in brain tissue
Credits: Timo Koch, University of Stuttgart