Pretty Porous



SimTech science film
Credits: SimTech / Storz Medienfabrik GmbH

We conduct research in the field of simulation and data science. It is based on three so called “Visionaly Examples”: Engineered Geosystems, Digital Human Model and Virtual Materials Design. In order to turn these visions into reality, it is necessary to develop basic methods that can be applied to all areas and are thus are applicable across visions.

Our research is organized in interdisciplinary project networks.

Visionary Example: Engineered Geosystems
Credits: University of Stuttgart / SimTech
Visionary Example: digital human model
Credits: University of Stuttgart / SimTech
Visionary Example: next generation virtual materials design
Credits: University of Stuttgart / SimTech
SimTech: seven interdisciplinary project networks
Credits: SimTech / VISUELL