Pretty Porous

In which application areas do we use simulations?

In which application areas do we use simulations?

Driving and flight simulator | weather forecast | climate simulations | crash tests | simulation of production plants | spread of drugs in the body | spread of tumors in the body | simulation of geological processes | product development | automobile development | big bang | explosion behaviour | development of materials | election forecasts | risk analyses | company analyses | population trends | effects of money market instruments | forecasts in the insurance industry | simulation of political reform plans | simulation of global capital and commodity flows in stock trading | simulation of historical events | development of prostheses | …

Which disciplines use simulations?

Bioengineering | Food chemistry | chemistry | genetics | disease research | nanotechnology | diagnostics | biology | biotechnology | sports science | pharmaceutics | medical technology | machine learning | AI | mechanical engineering | mechatronics | electrical engineering | space technology | media technology | construction | civil engineering | architecture | automotive engineering | history | linguistics | physics | mathematics | computer science | astronomy | landscape ecology | geodesy | climate research | geology | sustainability studies | renewable energies | hydrology | water management | process engineering | …