Pretty Porous

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the natural underground

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the natural underground

Another example of the use of the natural subsoil is CO2 storage. Humans produce CO2 as a byproduct of energy production from fossil fuels, such as in powerplants, heating, airplanes and (non-electric) cars. We even breathe it out. When the CO2 is released in the atmosphere, it accumulates, and reduces radiation of energy back into space like in a greenhouse, which in turn may affect the climate.

Video: Experiment
Credits: Prof. Dr. Jan M. Nordbotten, Bergen University (Norway)

This experiment has been created by the “Porous Media Group” of the University of Bergen in Norway. In the experiment, the researchers have created an illustrative cross-section of the North Sea, and show how injection of CO2 gas leads to accumulation under almost impermeable layers of fine sands. Over time, much of the CO2 dissolves into the water which always exists in subsurface sand layers.