Many people worldwide work and research in the field of porous media, but how can all of the knowledge that they create be made accessible to others? This is where InterPore comes in.
InterPore is a nonprofit, independent scientific organization founded in 2008. It serves as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange and international cooperation between science and industry. InterPore bundles the worldwide collected knowledge of porous media into one network and brings together the people who work and research in this area.
Knowledge about porous media in various areas can be easily shared through the network and furthers research. InterPore members are made aware of the work of their colleagues, they can exchange ideas with each other and, based on existing knowledge, develop new concepts and models that advance research in the field of porous media so that the wheel does not always have to be reinvented.
Pretty Porous
What is SFB 1313?
This is SFB 1313/We are SFB 1313: 59 researchers from various disciplines as well as members of the administrative and public relations staff.
They all work together at the University of Stuttgart within a huge project researching „porous media“*. All the members are in constant contact with their international partners. The research project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
*Title SFB 1313: „Interface-Driven Multifield Processes in Porous Media.
Flow, Transport and Deformation“
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Credits: University of Stuttgart / aha! Film GmbH